It seemed impossible. The wind was relentless, tossing me around at 25,000 feet on Everest's North Ridge. It was futile, and then I laughed...
It seemed impossible. The wind was relentless, tossing me around at 25,000 feet on Everest's North Ridge. It was futile, and then I laughed...
I was reminded today by an old friend, Wibbs Coulson, that it's been 10 years now since Pete McBride and I sat with Wibbs and his friends on the bank at Devprayag (Deva prayāga), shooting for our film Holy (un)Holy River (Amazon or Vimeo). Devprayag is a special place. In the foothills of the Garhwal […]
Well, it wasn’t A-23, but it was the remnants of another massive iceberg, A-38B. It was October 2004, and Dave Hahn, Dierdre Galbraith, and I had just finished leading our nine clients on a Shackleton crossing of South Georgia. We were back on the ship, guide hats replaced by tourist coats, guests of Lindblad Expeditions […]
Thoughts on autumn, a season of hope.
autumn, inspiration, perspective
Read MoreThe K2 expedition of 1953 was a lesson in teamwork and courage, and hold many messages for us to draw upon today.
We Americans - and, indeed, all humans - have more in common that we recognize. If we can seek out commonality rather than division, we can sow the seeds of unity and understanding.
Fear. We can let it consume us with certainty of failure — and failure we become — or we can turn it into focus, walk across that ladder, and embrace all we can be, all we want to be.