The unDefined Blog

Inspiration and stories from the mountains, cultures, peoples, and perspectives of our world.

Morromico Bay, Chocó, Colombia | July, 2018

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Sunrises, Gratitude, & Giving (Tuesday)

The pink hues of twilight glaze the cloud tops from my vantage point about 39,000 feet above rural Poland. It’s a sublime view, but a bit melancholy, as my sunset is my wife’s 18,264th sunrise as she sits half a world away. Yesterday, on the beach in Santa Barbara, California, we four (Wende, Lila, Ryrie, […]

Plans for Tomorrow

Today is the day, and it's a big one. I thought much about writing something up days ago with my thoughts on who to vote for, and why. But, then I realized that - for better or worse - most American minds have been made up for some time, and those who are looking for […]

Some Thoughts on Irvine's Discovery

What does the historic discovery of Andrew Irvine's remains in the Central Rongbuk Glacier tell us? Some thoughts below - please share yours!


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The Right Team

Recently, Fortune Magazine's online section featured a Q&A with author (and climber) Jim Collins, who penned the great books Built to Last and Good to Great. The first question to Collins asked what primary advice he would give to a beginning entrepreneur. Collins' response was both simple and profound: Starting a company is like scaling […]

Windproof Suits and 68 Year Old Crackers

Would you eat 68 year old biscuits? Probably not, but if you're hungry enough and happen to be high on Mount Everest, I know where some are.


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The Sherpas (and sherpas) of Everest

It's that time of year again - another Everest season has begun, and the presses are churning. (Be sure to visit Explorer's Web for coverage and information.) For me, I am waiting to find out if I will be returning to the mountain this spring for a major film project. I cannot disclose the details […]


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The Search for Andrew Irvine, 2004

Jake Norton discovers a mystery camp high on the Northeast Ridge of Mount Everest - high altitude archaeology in action!


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