What does the historic discovery of Andrew Irvine's remains in the Central Rongbuk Glacier tell us? Some thoughts below - please share yours!
What does the historic discovery of Andrew Irvine's remains in the Central Rongbuk Glacier tell us? Some thoughts below - please share yours!
"Is there some sort of April Fools' Day in October?" I asked myself at 6:00 AM. A friend from Australia had posted on my unDefined Community with the title A potential find of Irvine. It seemed so strange, so out of the blue, I couldn't parse it. So, I poured a cup of coffee and […]
Tomorrow, June 8, 2024, is the 100th Anniversary of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine's disappearance high on Mount Everest. As most of you know, this story and mystery has been a big part of my life for 25 years, and remains so. To commemorate the day and honor the men, I'll be doing something that, […]
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