The unDefined Blog

Inspiration and stories from the mountains, cultures, peoples, and perspectives of our world.

Morromico Bay, Chocó, Colombia | July, 2018

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Sunrises, Gratitude, & Giving (Tuesday)

The pink hues of twilight glaze the cloud tops from my vantage point about 39,000 feet above rural Poland. It’s a sublime view, but a bit melancholy, as my sunset is my wife’s 18,264th sunrise as she sits half a world away. Yesterday, on the beach in Santa Barbara, California, we four (Wende, Lila, Ryrie, […]

Plans for Tomorrow

Today is the day, and it's a big one. I thought much about writing something up days ago with my thoughts on who to vote for, and why. But, then I realized that - for better or worse - most American minds have been made up for some time, and those who are looking for […]

Some Thoughts on Irvine's Discovery

What does the historic discovery of Andrew Irvine's remains in the Central Rongbuk Glacier tell us? Some thoughts below - please share yours!


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Wisdom is found in the most unlikely places…

Sometimes we learn the most profound lessons in the most surprising of places and from the most surprising of people.


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Everyone has an Everest...Karen's is losing weight

(I planned to write, well, finish and post, my thoughts on Mallory & Irvine's summit day today, but it needs a bit more work, and frankly I've been swamped. So, that'll have to wait till next week. But, in the meantime, I came across this post and inspriational story...enjoy.) I say it a lot - […]

George Leigh Mallory – June 18, 1886

I suppose we go to Mount Everest, granted the opportunity, because—in a word—we can’t help it. Or, to state the matter rather differently, because we are mountaineers…. To refuse the adventure is to run the risk of drying up like a pea in its shell.



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Did Mallory & Irvine make it to the summit of Everest?

Could George Mallory and Andrew Irvine have bypassed the Second Step on the Northeast Ridge of Everest? View an interactive panorama and decide for yourself!


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