Tag: Mallory & Irvine

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To See or Not To See? That is the question for Noel Odell.

On June 8, 1924, Noel Odell reported seeing George Mallory and Andrew Irvine high on the summit ridge of Mount Everest. Did he see them? Could he have seen them? And, where? Was he confused? A series of thoughts, interpretations, and photo analysis on the subject in today's post.

MOUNTAINS & ADVENTURE The unDefined Community

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Everest Searches: 1999-2019

Explore the areas searched and discoveries made high on Mount Everest from 1999-2019.

MOUNTAINS & ADVENTURE The unDefined Community

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Reflections on May 1, 1999

On May 1, 1999, my teammates and I discovered the remains of George Mallory high on Everest. Here, I reflect on that day twenty years later, once again on Mount Everest.


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Andrew Comyn Irvine, Born 114 Years Ago

114 years ago today, Andrew Comyn Irvine – “Sandy” to his friends – was born in Berkenhead, England. At age 22, in 1924, he left England and Oxford for India and Tibet as the youngest and most inexperienced member of the 1924 British Mount Everest Expedition. As luck would have it – and as his […]


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