Category: The unDefined Community

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To See or Not To See? That is the question for Noel Odell.

On June 8, 1924, Noel Odell reported seeing George Mallory and Andrew Irvine high on the summit ridge of Mount Everest. Did he see them? Could he have seen them? And, where? Was he confused? A series of thoughts, interpretations, and photo analysis on the subject in today's post.

MOUNTAINS & ADVENTURE The unDefined Community

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Everest Searches: 1999-2019

Explore the areas searched and discoveries made high on Mount Everest from 1999-2019.

MOUNTAINS & ADVENTURE The unDefined Community

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Announcing the unDefined Community

For a long time now, I've been wanting to create a place for supporters and members of the unDefined Blog and - as well as others who happen by - to have a space where we can all engage, share, discuss, learn, and communicate with one another...and do it without the angst and vitriol […]

NEWS The unDefined Community Read More
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