The unDefined Blog

Inspiration and stories from the mountains, cultures, peoples, and perspectives of our world.

Morromico Bay, Chocó, Colombia | July, 2018

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I was going to write about chaos. The chaos raining down upon us by a populist fearmonger and his pedestaled, unelected, too-rich-to-really-care sledgehammer-wielder. The infantile shattering of all vestiges of American decency, a skulking retreat to shuddering isolationism and xenophobia paradoxically cast as a symbol of impending greatness. The resounding dearth of humanity in the […]

Horizons and Perspectives

Some thoughts about horizons, perspectives, Udhauli Parva, and more, plus a new interactive panorama from the top of the Amphu Laptsa!

Laughing at the Wind

It seemed impossible. The wind was relentless, tossing me around at 25,000 feet on Everest's North Ridge. It was futile, and then I laughed...


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Aiming Forgiveness

I’m tormented by the news these days. War in Ukraine. Horror in Israel and Gaza. Increasing tension and bluster across the globe. Political vitriol and animus domestically. It’s hard, sometimes impossible, to see a bright side, an outlet. So, I turned back to a post I wrote six months ago but never published, one about […]


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The Passing of a Hero and Mentor: Lou Whittaker

Lou Whittaker (February 10, 1929 – March 24, 2024) was a hero, boss, friend, and legend. It's hard to believe he's passed, a man larger than life who had an outsized impact on American mountaineering.


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100 Years of Everest, 25 for Me

100 Years of Everest, 25 Years of Everest, a slideshow for dZi in Chamonix, and another Mallory hopes to get to Everest!


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Fingers, Infections, and Why we Climb

Years ago, climber and author Greg Child wrote: Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb. Greg - a prolific climber with an uber-impressive resume - is no stranger to standing on summits, and some of the hardest ones. But, like any true climber, […]



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