It seemed impossible. The wind was relentless, tossing me around at 25,000 feet on Everest's North Ridge. It was futile, and then I laughed...
It seemed impossible. The wind was relentless, tossing me around at 25,000 feet on Everest's North Ridge. It was futile, and then I laughed...
I was reminded today by an old friend, Wibbs Coulson, that it's been 10 years now since Pete McBride and I sat with Wibbs and his friends on the bank at Devprayag (Deva prayāga), shooting for our film Holy (un)Holy River (Amazon or Vimeo). Devprayag is a special place. In the foothills of the Garhwal […]
Well, it wasn’t A-23, but it was the remnants of another massive iceberg, A-38B. It was October 2004, and Dave Hahn, Dierdre Galbraith, and I had just finished leading our nine clients on a Shackleton crossing of South Georgia. We were back on the ship, guide hats replaced by tourist coats, guests of Lindblad Expeditions […]
Of all sides of Everest - the south from Nepal, the north from Tibet, and the east, also from Tibet - it is the eastern approach via the Kama and Kangshung Valleys, which are the most stunning.
Everest, Everest History, george mallory, Thursday Thought
Read MoreThe history of Everest is rich, fascinating, and still much alive today. Meeting an elderly Tibetan woman at Rongbuk Monastery, Tibet, brought it front and center.
Everest, Everest 1933, Everest History, History
Read MoreEverest came down off Everest. It became, in a climbing sense, just another mountain to be approached and attempted within the context of our past experience in the Rockies, Tetons, or on Mount Rainier. Not quite, really. But much of the battle lay inside. That battle was nearly won.
As I work on my ballot this morning, I’m going to resist the temptation – a very real one – to take the easy road, the comfortable one, and vote a partisan line. Instead, I’ll do my best to digest all I’ve read and researched, to implement my values and vote with my heart, not my wallet; vote with my mind, not my party; vote for the future, not the short-term; vote with compassion for all rather than contempt for and fear of some.
commonality, politics, Thursday Thought, unity, we are one
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