The unDefined Blog

Inspiration and stories from the mountains, cultures, peoples, and perspectives of our world.

Morromico Bay, Chocó, Colombia | July, 2018

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Sunrises, Gratitude, & Giving (Tuesday)

The pink hues of twilight glaze the cloud tops from my vantage point about 39,000 feet above rural Poland. It’s a sublime view, but a bit melancholy, as my sunset is my wife’s 18,264th sunrise as she sits half a world away. Yesterday, on the beach in Santa Barbara, California, we four (Wende, Lila, Ryrie, […]

Plans for Tomorrow

Today is the day, and it's a big one. I thought much about writing something up days ago with my thoughts on who to vote for, and why. But, then I realized that - for better or worse - most American minds have been made up for some time, and those who are looking for […]

Some Thoughts on Irvine's Discovery

What does the historic discovery of Andrew Irvine's remains in the Central Rongbuk Glacier tell us? Some thoughts below - please share yours!


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Sunrises, Gratitude, & Giving (Tuesday)

The pink hues of twilight glaze the cloud tops from my vantage point about 39,000 feet above rural Poland. It’s a sublime view, but a bit melancholy, as my sunset is my wife’s 18,264th sunrise as she sits half a world away. Yesterday, on the beach in Santa Barbara, California, we four (Wende, Lila, Ryrie, […]


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Plans for Tomorrow

Today is the day, and it's a big one. I thought much about writing something up days ago with my thoughts on who to vote for, and why. But, then I realized that - for better or worse - most American minds have been made up for some time, and those who are looking for […]


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Some Thoughts on Irvine's Discovery

What does the historic discovery of Andrew Irvine's remains in the Central Rongbuk Glacier tell us? Some thoughts below - please share yours!


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Irvine's Remains Discovered

"Is there some sort of April Fools' Day in October?" I asked myself at 6:00 AM. A friend from Australia had posted on my unDefined Community with the title A potential find of Irvine. It seemed so strange, so out of the blue, I couldn't parse it. So, I poured a cup of coffee and […]

MOUNTAINS & ADVENTURE The unDefined Community

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