Tag: Everest

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Everest Searches, Routes, & Discoveries

As some of you know, I've been involved quite a bit in the search for information about George Mallory and Andrew Irvine's final days and hours on Mount Everest since 1999. Many others have been, too, over the years, and at times the data can be a bit overwhelming to digest, scattered and difficult to […]


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Conspiracies & Lies: Thoughts on May 1, 1999

Note: I dashed this off, and the video post, pretty quickly on May 1, in between other work and heading to the airport to pick up my friend and teammate from 1999, Jochen Hemmleb. It's far from perfect, and probably quite boring. But, I needed to get it off my chest, so here it is. […]


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Great Days on Mount Everest

Great days in the mountains don't always mean a summit. Sometimes - perhaps more often than not - they're comprised of exploration, solitude, adventure. Remembering a couple such days on Mount Everest.


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Searching and Sharing

What has been searched - and found - on Mount Everest in the quest for Mallory & Irvine? Where have climbers gone over the years, both in search capacity and simply climbing? And, why build and share any of this anyway? This post and project aims to bring that all together.


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