Tag: Everest

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Mallory & Irvine Everest Searches, 1999-2019

Twenty-four years ago, in 1999, Conrad Anker discovered the remains of George Mallory on Mount Everest as part of our 1999 Mallory & Irvine Research Expedition. Since that time, a lot has transpired: numerous searches have been conducted, many camps and artifacts have been found, and a plethora of theories, ideas, and observations have been […]


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The First Case of Everest Summit Fever

I can’t see myself coming down defeated. - George Mallory to his wife, Ruth, 1924 - Each spring, the news reports inevitably flow in: horrendously long queues high on Mount Everest, nose-to-butt climbers waddling toward the summit, an unnaturally, irrationally high number of them bound to die not from falls, not from storms, not from […]


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Real, Not AI

There’s been a lot of chatter recently about the rise of AI, and for good reason.  The explosion in platforms and growth of their capability presents real-world concerns across the board. While I don’t think they have, my kids could have some bot write their next paper for school. Some news outlets have turned to […]


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The Last Step But One

Some additional thoughts on Noel Odell's final view of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine on June 8, 1924. Did he see them on the Second Step? The First? The Third? Or, might he have seen them somewhere else, hiding in plain sight?


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