Lost on Everest Livestream


June 2024
Tomorrow, June 8, 2024, is the 100th Anniversary of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine's disappearance high on Mount Everest. As most of you know, this story and mystery has been a big part of my life for 25 years, and remains so. To commemorate the day and honor the men, I'll be doing something that, […]

Tomorrow, June 8, 2024, is the 100th Anniversary of George Mallory and Andrew Irvine's disappearance high on Mount Everest. As most of you know, this story and mystery has been a big part of my life for 25 years, and remains so.

To commemorate the day and honor the men, I'll be doing something that, honestly, is a bit terrifying: going live on YouTube (assuming I can make the tech work!) and sharing the story of 1924, of Mallory and Irvine as best I know it, and of my interaction with the story over 2.5 decades.

Timing was a tough choice, as people from all over the world are interested in this story. So, I finally chose a time that seemed to maybe work for the most people: 4:00 PM Mountain Standard Time. You can use this handy tool to calculate what that equates to in your timezone.

  • Lost on Everest: The Mystery of Mallory & Irvine Livestream
  • YouTube Live link: https://youtube.com/live/v3Ku51eBlgs
  • Saturday, June 8, 2024 at 4:00 PM Mountain Standard Time

I hope you can join me for a fun story session tomorrow!

5 comments on “Lost on Everest Livestream”

  1. It is the day that two extraordinary men in an extraordinary place doing extraordinary things were lost . My admiration and respect still lives on . Here s to you both , George Mallory and Sandy Irvine xx❤️❤️✨✨

  2. Jake, really nice presentation on Mallory & Irvine! Thanks again for getting me to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2015! No pun intended, but a real high point in my life!! Not life changing, but certainly life affirming! Wish I would have had my copy of “The Ghosts of Everest”:for you to sign! Hope for your continued happiness. Kindest regards, Don Fels

  3. I am so appreciative that you include Irvine, treating him as much a part of Mallory's story as is fitting. It's disappointing that so often, he is given nothing more than a quick mention. He deserves so much more when - goodness! - he was right there alongside Mallory on this expedition and the final climb. and so I thank you!

  4. They've found him! It doesn't even matter what else they find. It seems so right that, at last, this young man's life is being brought to light for all. I'm so happy. (I raised two sons; I "empath" way too much!)

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