I helped discover a 3500 year old body in the Himalaya.

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Sunrises, Gratitude, & Giving (Tuesday)

The pink hues of twilight glaze the cloud tops from my vantage point about 39,000 feet above rural Poland. It’s a sublime view, but a bit melancholy, as my sunset is my wife’s 18,264th sunrise as she sits half a world away. Yesterday, on the beach in Santa Barbara, California, we four (Wende, Lila, Ryrie, […]

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Aiming Forgiveness

I’m tormented by the news these days. War in Ukraine. Horror in Israel and Gaza. Increasing tension and bluster across the globe. Political vitriol and animus domestically. It’s hard, sometimes impossible, to see a bright side, an outlet. So, I turned back to a post I wrote six months ago but never published, one about […]

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Me Say War

Strangely, reggae pulsed through my brain as I hiked through the snow to our yurt this morning. No, South Park, Colorado, was not having a reggae fest, and I was not listening to music. (I never do in the hills, as nature’s music is more than enough.) This was internal music, a soundtrack of the […]

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A Cloud of Evil, an Eye for an Eye

All week I've been thinking, trying to parse recent events, horrors, tragedies, inexplicable darkness casting a pall upon the global landscape. I've not been successful. I've not come to conclusions. I've found myself able to do little more than vacillate, an eternal back and forth, a putrid smoothie of emotion: rage, horror, crippling morosity, deep […]

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