Some thoughts about horizons, perspectives, Udhauli Parva, and more, plus a new interactive panorama from the top of the Amphu Laptsa!
Some thoughts about horizons, perspectives, Udhauli Parva, and more, plus a new interactive panorama from the top of the Amphu Laptsa!
interactive panorama, perspective, Thursday Thought
Read MoreIt seemed impossible. The wind was relentless, tossing me around at 25,000 feet on Everest's North Ridge. It was futile, and then I laughed...
Everest, inspiration, Quotations, Thursday Thought
Read MoreI’m tormented by the news these days. War in Ukraine. Horror in Israel and Gaza. Increasing tension and bluster across the globe. Political vitriol and animus domestically. It’s hard, sometimes impossible, to see a bright side, an outlet. So, I turned back to a post I wrote six months ago but never published, one about […]
perspective, Rwanda, Thursday Thought
Read MoreEveryone told me it was a fool’s errand. “There’s no ice in Evergreen,” they’d say with certainty. “Nothing. Nada. I’ve looked, and it isn’t here.” For a while, I simply took their word for it, acquiescing to the apparent reality that I’d have to drive to Silverplume or down into Clear Creek Canyon to climb […]
exploration, perspective, Real - Not AI, Thursday Thought
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