Tag: Quotations

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The First Case of Everest Summit Fever

I can’t see myself coming down defeated. - George Mallory to his wife, Ruth, 1924 - Each spring, the news reports inevitably flow in: horrendously long queues high on Mount Everest, nose-to-butt climbers waddling toward the summit, an unnaturally, irrationally high number of them bound to die not from falls, not from storms, not from […]


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Seeking Questions, Not Answers

A Thursday Thought on the desire - the need - to explore in our world and in our lives, coupled with thoughts from one of the greats, Richard Saul Wurman.


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A Fun Resolution

“What kind of training do you do?”  The question, innocent enough, has popped up innumerable times in my life. I never have an answer. Still don’t, because I honestly hate training. It takes the fun out of things, this training business.  Years ago, when my neighbor asked me if I was headed out training - […]


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Hope, Not Hoping

A Thursday Thought on embracing hope, not optimism, as a tool to move forward.


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