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Half a Century, a Few Things Learned, and a Challenge

Note: This was written somewhat on the fly in a couple hours this afternoon, based on thoughts germinating for days. As such, it's likely not the most eloquent bit I've shared. But, hope it makes some sense, and thanks for your literary compassion! Funny how the years seem to creep up, silently, stealthily, lionesque, a […]


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Me Say War

Strangely, reggae pulsed through my brain as I hiked through the snow to our yurt this morning. No, South Park, Colorado, was not having a reggae fest, and I was not listening to music. (I never do in the hills, as nature’s music is more than enough.) This was internal music, a soundtrack of the […]


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Giving Tuesday: dZi Foundation

A few weeks back, I gazed across a great gorge, that of the mighty, raging Hunku Khola. Rushing waters coursing from the glaciers of Chamlang, Baruntse, Mera, and innumerable other high peaks carved the valley below me over eons. A spectacular feat of geology and hydrology, and an intimidating one for a trekker. As I […]


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Thankful Thoughts

It's a challenge to be thankful these days. The world seems awash with horror and tragedy, wars and famines and vitriol sucking marrow from the bone of humanity. And the relentless algorithms that control so much of our lives feast on calamity, serving it up in heaping spoonfuls again and again. If we look, though, […]



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